ATTUNE: Celebrating 70 years of music-making
Saturday 17 September 2022
Canberra Girls' Grammar School Auditorium
Canberra Choral Society celebrates their 70th anniversary with a concert featuring the world premiere of two exciting new works
by Australian composers Ella Macens and Michael Dooley, and accompanied by a 12 piece ensemble.
Attune by Ella Macens with lyrics by Sarah Rice, is an ode to the 'parts' of the choir from the ‘whole’ of the choir.
Songs from the High Country by Michael Dooley is an evocative work celebrating the natural diversity of the Canberra region.
Canberra Choral Society commissioned these works to commemorate this special occasion and to add to the choral repertoire. Both works, written for SATB choir and chamber ensemble, embrace the themes of renewal and celebration, and draw upon imagery from the natural world.
CCS also presents three of G.F. Handel's joyous Coronation Anthems -
Zadok the Priest, My Heart is Inditing and Let Thy Hand be Strengthened.
Dan Walker - Conductor & CCS Music Director