Handel's Messiah
Saturday 3 December 2022
Llewellyn Hall, ANU
Christmas in Canberra means many things, but for singers and audiences alike it means Handel’s Messiah. CCS is joined by guest choristers and a professional orchestra to launch the silly season with a rousing performance of this crowd pleaser.
Dr Graeme Morton AM will conduct an orchestra of Canberra’s finest musicians with soloists Susannah Lawergren (Soprano), Stephanie Dillon (Mezzo Soprano), Andrew Goodwin (Tenor) and Andrew Fysh (Bass).
The concert features the CCS Massed Choir comprising of the Canberra Choral Society with another 90 singers who are joining us for this performance. Enabling the community to participate in fine music-making is something CCS does annually through its Come & Sing Program.
The large and enthusiastic combined group of choristers has been rediscovering the joy of singing the magnificent Messiah choruses. And now they would love to share them with the audience.